Verizon refuses to troubleshoot this problem. The app has always been buggy with the only recent updates adding stupid emojis and other useless features. When I connect the Windows to a different network- say my home wi-fi or mobile hotspot- it syncs fine. This app is the only app that does not work with increased security, and since then the Verizon MEssages app will not sync while on the cororate network. All of these updates affected nothing I use on the work computer except for this Verizon Messages app. upgraded the network, adding additional securities and firewalls. I use the Verizon Messages app on my phone, tablet, a Windows computer and a Windows (the latter being the corporate computer).

I started using the Verizon Messages app several years ago to have text messages synced across mutliple devices, only one of which is a Verizon mobile device. Good luck to anyone whom is successful in using this app. At least tell us that you don’t give a crap rather than just ignoring your customer base by not giving them the means to communicate these issues. I do wish to continue using the desktop app on my Windows AND you need to give better customer service for app usage. This is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. As far as support to obtain answers about my issue, forget it. Anyhow, I’m finidng this very annoying that the desktop app is no longer working for myself. With the tech we have today why does T9 even still exist? LOL. Otherwise I’m stuck on my T9 texting phone and that’s absurd. I will claim that I've enjoyed using this app over the years because of convenience. Not even a trace of it running by instpecting my activity monitor. POOF! its gone! As if I never even opened it. When the app begins to open and a screen shows up, it closes itself just as fast. the sevice techs say to do) and to no avail. I’ve tride several differnt angles of attack (i.e. I recently purchased a brand new Windows with all the bells and whistles, because I can, and now the Messages+ app crashes the instant I open it. 3 stars downgradded to 1 star! I have successfully been using the Verizon Messages+ app for about 3 years now without major issues, mostly on my G5 PowerMac.