Download mp3 ayat kursi
Download mp3 ayat kursi

There are many virtues of the verse of the chair.Īs in the question posed by the Prophet to Ubay bin Ka'ab, "Which is the greatest verse in the book of God?" Ubay replied, "The verse of the chair." So he sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam patted Ubay's chest and then said," O Abu Mundzir, may you be happy with the knowledge you have.

Download mp3 ayat kursi

In the authentic hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam it is mentioned that it is the greatest verse found in the Qur’an” (Tafsir Al-Quran Al-‘Azhim). The priority of the ayatul kursi as explained by Ibn Katsir in his tafsir, “this verse of the kursi has a position that very great.

Download mp3 ayat kursi

This application contains the recitation of verses of the chair that we collected in the form of verses of the chair mp3 to make it easier to read, read by qori in the form of MP3 OFFLINE:

Download mp3 ayat kursi